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Relocating with Kids: Expert Tips and Family Experiences

Published on August 8, 2024

David Bennett
David Bennett


Published on August 8, 2024


Moving can be a stressful event for any family, but when children are involved, the challenges multiply. Ensuring a smooth transition for your kids is crucial for their emotional and mental well-being. In this blog, we share expert tips and real-life family experiences to help you navigate the complexities of relocating with kids.

The Psychological Impact of Moving on Children

Expert Commentary: Dr. Clive Sabel, a professor at Aarhus University, explains, “We have hypothesized that it has to do with a settled family life and being secure in the home neighborhood. The benefits gained from strong social bonds in the neighborhood or school take time to form”​ (Parents)​.

Research Data: According to research by the American Moving and Storage Association, nearly 30% of families with children under 18 move every five years. Of these, 60% report that their children experienced stress and anxiety related to the move (American Moving and Storage Association, 2023). Additionally, a study from Warwick Medical School found that frequent school moves during childhood may cause long-term mental health issues, including a higher risk of developing psychotic-like symptoms​ (Today’s Parent)​.

Preparing Kids for the Move

How-to Guide

  1. Involve Them Early: Talk to your children about the move as soon as plans are finalized. Explain the reasons and listen to their concerns.
  2. Visit the New Location: If possible, visit the new home and neighborhood with your kids. Show them the local parks, schools, and other attractions.
  3. Create a Countdown Calendar: Help children visualize the timeline of the move with a countdown calendar, marking important dates and milestones.

Relocating With Kids | Zeta Moving

Packing and Moving Day Tips

Expert Tips

  • Label boxes with your child’s name and let them decorate their boxes to feel involved.
  • Pack a “first-night” box with essentials like favorite toys, pajamas, and comfort items.
  • Hire a babysitter or ask a family member to watch young children on moving day to minimize stress and ensure safety.

Practical Advice

  • Keep a bag with snacks, drinks, and activities to keep kids entertained during the move.
  • Ensure safety by keeping sharp objects and heavy items out of reach.

Settling into the New Home

Relocating With Kids | Zeta Moving

How-to Guide

  1. Set Up Their Room First: Make setting up your child’s room a priority. Familiar items will help them feel at home faster.
  2. Establish New Routines: Maintain some old routines to provide a sense of stability while gradually introducing new ones.
  3. Explore Together: Spend time exploring the new neighborhood together. Visit parks, local attractions, and meet new neighbors.

Expert Opinions: “Children thrive on routine and familiarity,” says Dr. Brandy Schumann, a clinical professor in the Department of Counseling at Southern Methodist University. “By setting up their room first and maintaining routines, parents can help children adjust more easily”​ (Parents)​.

Real-Life Family Experiences

Human Interest Stories: The Johnson family recently moved across the country with their three children. “We involved our kids in every step,” says Mrs. Johnson. “They helped pack, we visited the new town beforehand, and we set up their rooms first. It made a huge difference.”

Quotes and Testimonials: “Our daughter was anxious about leaving her friends, but video calls and planning visits helped ease her fears,” shares Mr. Smith. “She’s now excited about making new friends.”

Common Challenges and Solutions

Research Data: A study by the National Center for Health Statistics found that 40% of children experienced difficulty adjusting to a new school after a move​ (Verywell Mind)​.

Expert Advice

  • Challenge: Difficulty making new friends.    Solution: Enroll children in local clubs, sports teams, or community activities to help them meet peers.
  • Challenge: Anxiety about a new school.        Solution: Arrange a visit to the new school before the first day and meet the teachers.

Additional Resources

Links to Helpful Articles

  • “10 Tips for Helping Kids Adjust to a New School”
  • “How to Make Moving Fun for Kids”
  • “The Ultimate Moving Checklist for Families”

Zeta Moving Services: At Zeta Moving, we understand the unique challenges of moving with kids. Our family-friendly services include packing assistance, flexible scheduling, and personalized support to make your move as smooth as possible.


Relocating with kids doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By preparing them early, involving them in the process, and providing support, you can make the transition smoother and even enjoyable. Remember, every move is an opportunity for a new adventure and growth.

Contact Zeta Moving today for personalized moving assistance, and stay tuned to our blog for more helpful content to make your move easier.

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